Center for the Study of Children at Risk
Newborn Assessment (NNNS-II)
The NeoNatal Neurobehavioral Scale (NNNS-II) examines the neurobehavioral organization, neurological reflexes, motor development - active and passive tone, and signs of stress and withdrawal of the at-risk and drug-exposed infant.
Newborn Assessment (NNNS-II)
The NeoNatal Neurobehavioral Scale (NNNS-II) examines the neurobehavioral organization, neurological reflexes, motor development - active and passive tone, and signs of stress and withdrawal of the at-risk and drug-exposed infant.
This assessment is applicable to term, normal, healthy infants; preterm infants; and infants at risk due to factors such as prenatal substance exposure.
A compilation of the published works by our world-class researchers.
A series of documents detailing the extensive work by our research team.
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